New Horizons is an expert, innovative, and multidiscipline company focused on:
  • Housing accommodation

  • Tourism & travel

  • Real Estate & industrial projects handling and management

  • Sales & Marketing services


New Horizons’s vision is to create long-term relationships with our customers and provide them with increasingly exceptional services, pursuing business through innovation and technology. Our vision of the future is to provide quality services that exceed the expectations of our esteemed customers.


Our efforts are continuously dedicated to expand and consolidate the housing accommodation ( core business ) , the travel & tourism activities and the real estate and oil&gas PMA ( Project Management Advisoring ) areas based on developing a strong key customer base. Building a good reputation and references to all macro areas covered is our first and important aims.


Just a few words to introduce New Horizons’s team A life spent traveling the world even in the most distant and disparate places travel both for business and pleasure gave me the chance to meet and interact with many people of different cultures, different ways of living and experiences that have enriched personally myself and have taught me especially to appreciate and value the human relationship and friendship. My experience, knowledge and competency in management of massive international projects and together with enthusiasm, skills and capabilities of Daniela, are now available to welcome, support and assist you in your requests and business.


    Duomo di Salerno

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