Housing accommodation

New Horizons srl main aim is to provide specialised services in the extra hotel hospitality and to manage holiday homes where comfort and excellence are the essential basis of the service offered.

Our solutions

At the present time New Horizons srl can offer to our guests 3 independent houses for temporary tourism and business rental located in Salerno and San Donato Milanese MI as follows:

Salerno (Italy)

Salerno (Italy)

San Donato Milanese , Milano (Italy)
The web sites shown in details all characteristics and features of the three structures and provide the contact numbers and reference for enquiring as well. New horizons is willing to deal and support he guest and provide all information and availability.


    Duomo di Salerno

    Costruito su un'omonima chiesa paleocristiana dedicata a santa Maria degli Angeli, sorta a sua...


    Il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e Velia è un istituto del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività...


    Dall'alto dei monti Lattari, Ravello domina la Costiera Amalfitana offrendo panorami di...


    Salerno è una città di medie dimensioni (200 mila abitanti circa) principalmente dedita al...